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Company Introduction

Muquans is a dynamic French SME company specialized in high precision measurements based on laser-cooled atoms. Muquans activity is focused on bringing scientific and operational added-value to the end-user through a unique line of products: an absolute quantum gravimeter, a compact high-performance atomic clock, and research-grade laser systems dedicated to quantum physics and spectroscopy experiments.

Muquans is a spin-off from Institut d'Optique and Observatoire de Paris (LNE-SYRTE), where the core technology of our products has been developed for more than 15 years. Founded in 2011, Muquans has built a highly-experienced scientific and R&D team of 20 employees gathering a deep expertise in each of our key technological domains: quantum physics, optics and lasers, electronics and micro-wave, opto-mechanics, real-time software and signal processing.

Muquans' Director Won The Bande Globale Entrepreneur Prize in France


        Absolute Quantum Gravimeter                    MuClock                           Frequency-controlled laser


Address: Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine rue François Mitterrand 33400 TALENCE,FRANCE

Contact: Mr Jean Lautier-Gaud, PhD

Tel: +33 (0)6 74 26 80 79

Email: sales@muquans.com

Website: www.muquans.com